
Tag: Weirdness

At Least They Left the Propane Tank Behind

Is there a less surprising sports news headline than the following: “John Daly’s Trailer Stolen” Perhaps…

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

As if rampant homelessness, rising fuel costs, and the financial hit the makers of the Girls…

Biodegradable Delicates

Are you tired of wearing that same old pair of underwear day after day after day?…

Great Name for a Resume

Best Fake Spam “From Field” Alias of the Day Jockstrap M. Paralegal

A Bone You Say? Why Yes That Would Be Lovely

I got a great piece of SPAM in my Inbox today. That’s right, now for only…

Fun with Respiratory Disease

Growing up with asthma, I generally considered my trusty inhaler a valuable commodity. Even at a…

Tango, Charlie, Blitzen, Echo, Donner, Over

This Christmas Eve, for the fiftieth-straight year, NORAD is tracking the progress of a flying red-suited…

Pass the Guacamole

If you’re having an introspective moment and wondering just what you’ve done in your life to…

Where Scratch & Sniff Stickers are a Business Expense

Does being a research scientist at the Sense of Smell Institute (A Leading Global Resource on…

Next Item… The Gold-Plated Pikachu

Nothing says “I’m compensating for my crappy childhood,” quite like dropping 100 large on a platinum…