
Where the Rustproofing is Always Complimentary!
Happy Halloween

Here are the list of kids whose costumes’ mandate that I not give them candy tomorrow…


Philadelphia fans rejoice. Nearly three decades of pain has been eased this night. Thank you Phightin’…

Two Girls, Two Guys, 4 Plastic Cups

This weekend my wife and I went out on the town with some good friends. Being…

Halloween Week on Ranzino.com

It’s Halloween season here on Ranzino.com and we’ll be celebrating this manufactured non-holiday by posting some…

Giraffes, Swords and Puppies To Be

Sculptures To Be, originally uploaded by ranzino. So what’s the over-under on the life expectancy of…

Life Got You Down?

In these uncertain times of financial and political turmoil, it may be time for Americans to…


Chrome, originally uploaded by ranzino.  

An Inverse Relationship

This pretty much sums up how I feel about my ongoing pursuit of excellence in the…

Where For Art Thou Barber Pole?

Recently, I took the boys on our not-so-frequent trip to the hair removal store.  I like…

This Year Can I Text In My Ballot?

Remember young Americans, your vote counts… even if having the ability to spell possessive pronouns no…