Alt, Ctrl, Del
Please take a moment to recognize the passing of computer pioneer Bob Bemer. In addition to…
Signs of Impeachment
The longtime Governor of our fair state of Connecticut resigned his post earlier this week. Caught…
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——————————————–From: “Evans, Brian” {winxplover@ranzino.com}Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 22:09:08To:”Gates, Bill” {bill.gates@microsoft.com}Subject: Email Issues Hey Bill, I…
The Top 10 Decades of the 1900’s
What’s the newest trend in television programming? No, not reality tv. That’s more weathered than Richard…
Blog Mad Libs
Johnny Ramone of the Ramones had to issue a statement today to counteract a report that…
Old Spice released its annual list of the 100 Sweatiest Summertime Cities today. As it turns…
Wrinkle-Free Checking
Recently, my cozy little hometown bank merged with another cozy little hometown bank and a huge…
And Me Without My Coconut Radio
The producers of The Bachelor are in the early stages of creating a reality TV version…
Daytime TV News & Notes
A few notes from my marathon week of daytime television viewing. I love the Price is…
Obscurity in Straight Sets
Here’s a little quiz for you: The French Open is… a. …the newest taste sensation from…
Better Than the Prom in Carrie
I was listening to the local pop station while getting dressed this morning. The crazy and…
Try Aisle 9 Instead
You may find yourself in the following situation: You’re at the grocery store standing in front…