
Where the Rustproofing is Always Complimentary!
Recreational Boaters for Vague Generalities

On the heels of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, it seems another anti-Kerry veterans group…

Part Deux

Follow the money. The sage advice given to Woodward and Bernstein by Deep Throat during the…

Oprah Book ‘Em Club

Let me preface this post by saying that I’m not knocking Oprah here, lest she get…

I Thought He Was an Unfunny Cartoon Penguin

Does it make me a bad person if I immediately lean towards disliking someone who refers…

My Boring Fat Greek Olympics

Wow. Was it just me, or were the opening ceremonies of the Olympics incredibly boring? It’s…

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

It appears as though the great movie colorization debate of the Ted Turner era is back….

And then, I Bludgeoned Him With My Chair…..

I had a meeting yesterday during which a participant, in the midst of a long-winded schpiel,…

Does My Addiction to Dharma & Greg Reruns Qualify?

I’ve built up a certain amount of respect for the Finnish Army over the years. They…

When It Starts to Hurt, The Q-Tip is in Too Far

We have Reader’s Digest delivered to our home every month. Yes, it’s true. No, we do…

Kraft Singles, My Ass

Thanks to Dupont and theirĀ ‘ Search for the Greatest Grilled Cheese Sandwich in America Contest,’ we’ll…

Apparently, Richard Simmons Was Unavailable

Dialouge from “Tax Reform Commando” Matrix: Remember Sully when I promised to kill your wimpy socialist…

Sucks to be a Sophomore

As if we all needed another reason to hate Duke. All incoming freshman at Duke University…