The Year of the Pimp
What can one say about MTV’s newest offering, Pimp My Ride. Genius, pure genius. The title…
Oprah’s McNugget Club
Many years back, Oprah, trying to distance herself from the talk-show pack, re-invented herself and her…
Roid Rage on the Hill
Apparently, the daunting tasks of reducing the deficit, creating new jobs for Americans, and keeping our…
I loves Harpo, Lord knows I do
March’s Person Who Really Needs to Re-evaluate Their Career: Cover Editor for O, The Oprah Magazine…
Packaging for the Terminally Stupid: Part I
My infant son recently received a LeapFrog LeapStart Learning Tablet from his grandparents. This was not…
Who Said ‘Weekend at Bernie’s 3’ Would Never Happen?
Selling (or using) dead people’s body parts for your personal gain, it just doesn’t get any…
The Eye (Brows) Have It
It’s nice to see that Hollywood is becoming more sensitive to audiences of all types. There…
Forgo the Bloomin’ Onion My Son
This time of year, I’m usually reminded by the moaning and groaning of my friends of…
Five Things That Became Readily Apparent at the Oscars
5. Michael Douglas is really, really old.4. No one was more pissed about the LOTR hoopla…
That Kooky Kodak Theater
Here are my Annual Oscar Ceremony Predictions for 2004: You will once again be confronted with…