
Author: ranzino

Many people have tried to accurately capture the essence that is Brian, but this much is known to be true: he has dutifully paid the hosting bill for since 2001.

Confections with Attitudes

Today, after polishing off my lunch of pork fried rice and an egg roll, I broke…

Tango, Charlie, Blitzen, Echo, Donner, Over

This Christmas Eve, for the fiftieth-straight year, NORAD is tracking the progress of a flying red-suited…

Help Feed Martha

West Virginia’s richest temporary resident, Martha Stewart, complained about the quality of prison food in her…

Let’s Think People, Think!

Dear Lady in the Green Dodge Caravan in front of me at the Dunkin’ Donuts Drive-Thru,…

Pass the Guacamole

If you’re having an introspective moment and wondering just what you’ve done in your life to…

Noah, I Am Your Father

For those last minute shoppers looking for the perfect holiday gift to bestow upon certain un-named…

Pieces of Me

Joe Simpson, proud papa and manager for both Ashlee and Jessica Simpson, recently described moody teen…

Bringin’ the Holiday Lumber

Am I the only person in America who would like to see someone bust in from…

One is the Loneliest Number

Whoever came up with the idea to sell three of the same type of socks in…

Extravadanza Redux

A few months ago I posted an entry about the new daytime talker hosted by everybody’s…