
Author: ranzino

Many people have tried to accurately capture the essence that is Brian, but this much is known to be true: he has dutifully paid the hosting bill for since 2001.

Great Name for a Resume

Best Fake Spam “From Field” Alias of the Day Jockstrap M. Paralegal

Sustenance Shame Spiral

Five Things I Am Secretly Ashamed Of Concerning My Current Relationship With Food 5. I prefer…

A Bone You Say? Why Yes That Would Be Lovely

I got a great piece of SPAM in my Inbox today. That’s right, now for only…

Happy Birthday to…This (the blog incarnation) officially turned one year old this February. This web site has many…

Saving Grace

Debra Messing, star of NBC’s sitcom Will & Grace, is throwing her hat into the lead…

That’s Why They Call it a Career ARC

Take note Halle Berry. Keep making the wrong choices and you’ll end up losing second billing…

Can She Bake a Cherry Pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

In case you missed it, January 23 was National Pie Day as declared by the American…

Happy Inauguration Day!

There has been a lot of talk in partisan camps this week about how a lavish…

Fun with Respiratory Disease

Growing up with asthma, I generally considered my trusty inhaler a valuable commodity. Even at a…

I Spy With My Devout Eye

Now that Virgin Mary sightings are in vogue again, (culminating in last year’s spectacular auctioning-off of…