
Author: ranzino

Many people have tried to accurately capture the essence that is Brian, but this much is known to be true: he has dutifully paid the hosting bill for since 2001.

Just Call it “The Bee”

Kudos to Anurag Kashyap, who took home the top prize in the 78th Annual National Scripps…

Biodegradable Delicates

Are you tired of wearing that same old pair of underwear day after day after day?…

2005 Summer Movie Preview Part II: Electric Boogaloo

The tepid follow-up(re: hurried crash-grab) to the critically acclaimed original! Cinderella ManA Note from Ron Howard:…

For Only 99 Cents Per Download You Can Feed a Hungry Child

For all you file swappers out there, just remember every time you illegally download “We Are…

2005 Summer Movie Preview Part I

The summer movie season is upon us and that means you should get ready for an…

To VP or not to VP

Feel better about yourself today. You’re probably earning a higher salary wage this year than former…

Its Tourney Time

After a weekend’s worth of NCAA basketball as served up by the fine folks over at…

A Hootie with Extra Cheese Hold the Mayo

A cautionary tale for all the budding pop and rock stars of the new millennium. Sure,…

It’s “Wine Spectator” You Idiot

I spelled the word connoisseur so badly on a first draft of an email today that…

I’m Still Waiting for The Snowball Express II

Miss Lohan, I watched Dean Jones in Disney movies. I knew Dean Jones. Dean Jones was…