
Author: ranzino

Many people have tried to accurately capture the essence that is Brian, but this much is known to be true: he has dutifully paid the hosting bill for since 2001.

We’re stickin’ with Joe… I guess

Even though voters in Connecticut overwhelmingly narrowly told Joe Lieberman to take a hike during the…

Wouldn’t You Love to Work With Me?

I am ordering Chinese food from the place down near Blimpies and Dunkin’ Donuts. If you…

Fun with Euphemisms

I didn’t get the memo on when the term “suspect” evolved into “person of interest” in…

Hooray for Spring!

As a public service announcement for those of you in the lower 44 who have ever…

At Least We’ve Got the Best Mascot

Today is Opening Day 2006 for Major League Baseball. Opening Day is nirvana for hardball afficianados…

Po-tay-toh Pa-tah-toh

The Durkee-Mower company, makers of the magically delicious foodstuff Marshmallow Fluff, are suing Williams Sonoma for…

78 Years of Gratuitous Self-Adulation

Since none of us actually saw any of the movies that were nominated this year, I…

Catch of the Day

It’s a sad day for Hollywood. Tinseltown has long been a bastion for liberal wackos such…

Always Read the Label Before Purchasing

Earlier this week, my wife came to visit me at my workplace. Since the last time…

Snow Days

The Winter Olympics are here and apparently, Americans would rather watch Paula Abdul attempt to cry…